Hack your own..

Set up your development environment and explore Signal/Collect

Compiling the Project

Java 7

Ensure Java 7 is used for the compilation.

> java -version

Simple Build Tool (SBT)

Install SBT

Clone the Signal/Collect Repository

Clone the Signal/Collect Repository hosted on GitHub

> git clone git://github.com/uzh/signal-collect.git

Assemble a .jar File

Go to the project folder and start SBT on the command line.

> sbt

The output should end with the following line:

[info] Set current project to signal-collect (in build file:XYZ/signal-collect/)

To generate a .jar file containing the compiled sources and all the needed dependencies, use the "assembly" command on the SBT prompt.

sbt> assembly

The assembled .jar file can then be found in the Target folder.

Develop in Eclipse

Generate Eclipse Project Files

To generate an Eclipse project, start the SBT prompt as described above and run the "eclipse".

sbt> eclipse

Prepare Eclipse

Install Eclipse Juno (4.2) for Java developers. (Eclipse Idigo is currently the officially supported version for the Scala IDE plugin)

Ensure that Eclipse uses the Java 7 library and JVM: Preferences → Java → Installed JREs → JRE/JDK 7 should be installed and selected.

Within Eclipse, install the Scala IDE plugins (for Scala 2.10): Help → Install New Software ... → Add → http://download.scala-ide.org/sdk/e38/scala210/stable/site Select and install all plugins from that location.

Import Project into Eclipse

Open the Scala project that was generated by SBT with: File → Import... → General → Existing Projects into Workspace → select "signal-collect" folder